Friday, March 31, 2017

So Far, So Smooth

Wayyyy too smooth, in fact. Makes me leery. I'm a seasoned traveler, but we should at least have had one hiccup.
Last time I left the country I left my phone in the car. When we went to China, our plane was delayed and we missed the connection. You get the drift.
But this time, smooth sailing.
Pincettis arrived at our house at 9:30 on the dot. Everything fit in our luggage. We even made it to the airport early enough to load up on PF Chang's ( because you know, we're going to Asia, so...)!
Just waiting for disaster to strike. But for now, we're on the plane, and I think I'll have some celebratory wine.
Sayonara for now!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Let's Hope that This Time, I'm Successful

Dear Avid Readers,

(By the way, I think that includes my mother, and my....mother).

When last I left you, I had just arrived in China. I'd been NOT visiting the Forbidden City, and was just embarking on an amazing adventure.

Sadly, the internet really IS absent in China, and between having no laptop, trying to type long blog posts on my phone, attempting to connect to a VPN off-shore and basically having no time--blogging was a huge, fat failure.

Based on that success, I'm going to try again!!

So where in the world are the Cuccos headed now?? Could it be....Florida? It is Spring Break, after all. Beaches, sun, drunk people....but no. Not Florida. Could it be...Italy? I mean, we're there all the time anyway. But no. Not Italy. Italy is for August. How about... OK. Enough of this game. We're going to Japan. But thanks for playing.

Yes, Japan! As if China weren't enough. Is it ever enough? No. So we're going to Japan.

This is how it's going to play out:

1) The Cuccos + 3 other families will all be flying from various corners of the world to meet up in Tokyo at 6 pm on April 1. So 4 families. That's 15 people, people. 15!! 8 adults, 7 kids. And no tour bus.

2) We're all going to gallivant across the country, from Tokyo, to Kyoto, to Osaka, to Mt. Fuji and back again. In this process, we will lose no children, luggage or trains. Or so we hope.

3) We're going to see the craziest stuff this world has to offer, from hedgehog cafes to used-panty vending machines to shirako. What's shirako?? It's this stuff:

Look it up.

We leave Friday morning, so that doesn't leave me much time to finish preparing. Only the essentials. Nails, leg wax, self-tan. You know. The important things. Later, I'll explain the leg wax.

Sayonara for now.