Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Many Things That Could Bring my RV Trip to a Screeching Halt...

You know I could be safe still.

I could still get to hop in my brand-new, 2-day old minivan and drive to Florida.  Better yet, I could fly there.

You see, even though The Beast is parked in my driveway, irritating the heck out of my 12-year-old who just wants to play basketball there (despite the fact that it snowed this morning), it's not road-ready. Far from it. Many things must happen magically by Thursday night in order for us to bring Beastie on the road. Here are some highlights:

-An oil change. Yeah. Sounds simple. But just where do you get an oil change for an RV? Can you imagine steering that Beast over the bay? I'd have it half in that bay before they could even try to direct me forward. But new oil is important, as a working engine come Virginia would be preferable.

-Wheel alignment. Somehow, when you let go of the steering wheel, it currently veers violently to the right. ??? But on the bright side, I guess that makes it easier to exit from the freeway.

-De-winterization. Yes, Susan Huss, it has a VIN. :) But it's still a home on wheels! So it has to be winterized, just like any seasonal cottage in Northern Michigan. The pipes must be drained come the first snow, so in March...water has to be re-run into the vehicle. If this doesn't happen, I will be one sad girl, walking in my pajamas half a mile to the campground bathhouse at 7 am to pee and brush my teeth. I didn't like it at Camp Timbers in 1985, and I'm sure I'll like it a whole lot less at the Friendly Village Campground in 2015.

-Propane. Again, where does one get propane for The Beast? (Notice that I have gone from calling it "Cousin Eddie" to "The Beast"--I'm not sure which one is more appropriate)  Just to note, you generally have to wander into the scary Southeastern 'burbs to find RV dealers.
And why is Propane important? Because without it, the RV will be stone-cold Friday morning when we take off for Pennsylvania. And despite Marco's assurances that I can bring a blanket, I'm not convinced I'll last 20 minutes before demanding to be taken home.

And those are just the necessities. We still have to:
-Buy camping supplies
-Install TV
-Sew curtains
-Install curtains
-Clean the interior
-Clean the fridge
-Get bedding
-Get pillows

So with T-3 days to go, I shall sign off, so that I can go on Amazon to buy those camping supplies. Perhaps a small travel grill, for making hot dogs at some rest area off I-75. A charcoal one, hopefully, since we don't know how to use that kind. I mean....why keep it simple? This is an adventure, after all.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Next Big Adventure...

When last I wrote, it was 2013. I suppose that would lead one to believe that I've had no cool experiences in the last 2 years...but that's not really true. I've racked up some new countries on my list: Curacao, Greece, Dominican Republic....I've re-visited others, like Scotland, Italy and France. But can I consider any of those real adventures?

The answer is no, I can't. For the most part, I've been playing my normal role to perfection: 5-star resorts, safe destinations, basic health and hygiene. Now some might argue with me. My parents might say that our house rental in the Dominican Republic with our armed guard, cockroach infestation and rabid beach dogs was an adventure...but I'm not sure. We still had a stable roof over our heads and maid service. I can't really consider that adventurous. There was no chance for a basic lack of electricity and water, for instance. No chance of walking half a mile to the shower. No chance of sleeping in a Walmart parking lot. In short:


That's right. In T-4 days, I embark on my greatest adventure to date: An RV camping trip with my husband, children, and Italian in-laws.

May some God have mercy on my soul.

If you care to witness my demise over the following couple of weeks, feel free to follow this blog! I'll be posting the highlights.