Thursday, April 20, 2023

But I Thought Italy Had Prepared me for the Heat....

 I'm sitting here in my nice, cold hotel room writing this (never fear, I will be taking to the streets again shortly), with suspected heat stroke. 

Now I am one of those typical midwesterners who gets so used to months of snow that at the first sign of a 50 degree day is wearing shorts. That's hot for me. So even though I've spent years of summers in Italy, dying in the non-existent air conditioned conditions (as Italians swear it will kill you), they ain't got nothin' on Colombia. I mean, I am scarily close to the equator, so I shouldn't actually be surprised, but for some reason, I thought I could go running in the 130 degree heat this morning. 

OK. it's likely not 130 degrees out. Maybe it's even only 80, and I am just a whiny baby, but I tend toward the dramatic.

Anyway, I went running. And that's because the amount of alcohol I consumed yesterday (and consequently, calories) sort of scared me into some sort of physical activity to counteract said alcohol. So off to run I went!

And true, it may have created a bit of heat stroke in me, but hey! That's the price you pay to be able to experience this:

Or this:

Or this:

Which were all scenes from my run today, which was awesome because it was early and there were relatively few people around. 

So now, I am headed back out into the heat, with my parents, brother and sister-in-law. And I will wear a big hat like a good little tourist and throw back several cold cervezas....and enjoy this gorgeous Cartagenan heat.

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