Wednesday, December 13, 2023

This is why I don't blog...

 ...because I get caught up in the moment and forget my job as Travel Blogger Extraordinaire. I mean, how dare I enjoy what's happening in the present and forget my loyal public (my mother and myself)??

So I haven't blogged since Spain.

But I've been in Italy now for 4 days, visiting my boyfriend outside of Torino. He has started a new job managing a GastroPub in Pinerolo that has just opened, which is keeping him very busy--especially in the evenings, and so I've had some time to just enjoy my time in Italy.

Now, I could be checking out the cathedrals or visiting museums, or even taking a gastronomic tour, gorging myself on pasta...but I'm no tourist. I'm more of a local! And so I have been doing those super-secret things that locals do--like shopping at IKEA.

My friend Emilia has been looking for a new couch, and so I told her I'd meet her at IKEA and we could check out their selection. And so we did! She's a total love, but usually shows up very late, and this time was no exception, so I had time to just wander IKEA by myself..and I realized something.

IKEA is exciting and romantic.

Now you may be already shaking your head...but I swear it's true. In fact, I found myself a little sentimental and sad there, because the store is entirely populated by couples. Old couples, young couples, gay couples, straight couples, couples with young children--but couples. All dreaming and planning--starting a new home together, or renovating a home they've had for years. But I found myself lonely. I remembered that when Marco and I were dating when we still lived in Italy, we used to visit IKEA to buy the $1 candles which were literally all we could afford, and to dream about how we'd decorate a future home. And now, I have a lovely partner, but who lives in another country, and so we don't have the ability to plan a home together right now.

Regardless, I found it lovely.

And then Emilia showed up, and we bought her a couch, and did partake in some haute cuisine:

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