Friday, September 23, 2011

East Meets Westin

Now as much as I love Indian food-- and I do! I needed a serious break from it. There's only so much rice I can even eat, and that's saying something.  So tonight my buddy Bryant and I thought we'd take a break from the usual and seek out some Western-style food.

Quite close to our Guest House is a huge Westin hotel. We thought we'd walk down there for dinner as they surely had some international cuisine. Keep in mind, this is something I'd never do alone. The Guest House itself is nice, but the street in front slightly resembles a war zone. But the Westin was just down the street. No big deal, right!


It started out OK. We walked out of our building and down to the gate. We headed down the street in the direction of the Westin, which we could see quite clearly in front of us. Within a few blocks, all Hell had broken loose.  I've never seen such humanity! All of a sudden, there were people everywhere, and the sidewalk disappeared leaving us in the middle of the road.... competing with cars, trucks, rickshaws, cows, mothers, babies, beggars--you name it. We were swept into the sea of people, most of whom were extraordinarily impoverished.  We needed to cross the road twice, and there are no crosswalks... you just have to cross in the middle of traffic that doesn't stop for you. Bryant said it best: it was like a real-life game of Frogger.

Anyway we finally made it to the Westin, and it was so worth the trouble! Entering the grounds was like arriving at an oasis. A beautiful oasis with fish and chips and Carlsberg beer. I wanted to check in and never leave! But eventually we did head home. In a luxury car arranged by the Westin.

It was the perfect retreat. See my happy face?

Tomorrow at 4 am I am off to the Taj Mahal with my incredible team....goodbye for now!

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